★ Home Studio

icon of a microphone

Microphone: RØDE NT1 Signature Series XLR

Interface: Focusrite Scarlett Solo

Booth: Custom Built w/ Broadcast Quality Sound Averaging -80 dBs, ADR-ready

Adobe Audition, Reaper DAWs, Izotope RX Elements

Source Connect Pro and Standard

Live Directed Sessions via Session Link, Zoom, Discord, Microsoft Teams and more as requested

Full Studio Specs

icon of a computer screen displaying an online meeting

Source Connect Pro and Standard

Live Directed Sessions via Session Link, Zoom, Discord, Microsoft Teams and more as requested

Raw Studio Sample

icon of a document

.mp3, .wav, .ogg, more as requested

16 or 24 bit, 44.1khz or 48khz

Delivery via Google Drive, Dropbox, Discord, Email etc.

google drive icon dropbox icon gmail icon

★ About Emilie

Emilie Brewer (she/her) is a professional Canadian LGBTQIA+, non-binary and neurodivergent voice actor specializing in video game, animation and commercial voice over. She has also done voice over for promotional videos, corporate narration, real estate narration, radio-imaging and more. Additionally, Emilie has also taught voice over for the National Theatre School of Canada’s Dramafest. Contact Emilie for a free audition or quote on your project.

Her vocal range is extremely wide, including both female and androgynous voices, boy voices, teens, 20s, 30s and 40s. Her voice has been described as warm, wispy, sultry and even bubbly. Emilie's naturally mid-toned voice enables her to voice a wide range of characters including cheerful kids, spunky or recluse teens, goth girls, valley girls, strong protagonists, big sisters, young mothers, villains and antagonists. She also can voice animals, creatures and monsters.

Emilie has provided voices for many games including visual novels, RPGs, mobile games, point-and-click adventure games, survivial horror games, fighting games and many more. Some notable video game roles include Angel from Killer Chat!, Celeste from Backpack Brawl, Ophelia from Devil's Hideout, Female Enemies from Lonely Space and Ther from Gluttony Gods.

She is also highly experienced and trained in animation voice over including both pre-lay and ADR/dubbing. Some notable animation roles include Linette from Metrogeneric, Mrs. Crabapples from Agent Calc, Fondant from Pin-up Monster, and Shifelym from Destiny Breaker.

For a full list of credits, check out Emilie's resume to learn more and feel free to check out her broadcast quality, audio engineer certified home studio, equipped with ADR capibilities and Source Connect.

★ Contact

Please email for bookings or fill out the form below.

Please Note: Emails are for business inquiries only.